{{DQN|1168573110|}} {{DQN Music}} FIRE BURNING IN LOVE comes from one of [[DQN-kun]]'s experimental periods, attempting to draw on [[Japan|Japanese]] influences: the song is so avant-garde that significant proportions of DQN-kun's fans disagree on what the song actually is. The more generally accepted version is reproduced first, with the second interpretation following. ===FIRE BURNING IN LOVE=== You greatly overestimate the power, and patience, of [[DQN]]
Just like your love
One tear falls on a cold [[September]] night...because I'm lonely
私は[[Otaku|オタク]]ですよ! Because I have no life.
It's too much metal for one hand!
Is this even in the song?
It's too much metal for one hand
When those [[Terrorism|terrorists]] come from the sand
This world has peacefully ended.
Your bright, cheery smile is like a beacon of light to my cold, calculating eyes.
[[under the moon loli to issho]]
WHERE DO WE DRAW THE LINE?!? IS this to be TOO MUCH? がっかりする。
What does the scouter say about his power level?
When I thought nobody was around,
I spread out my arms and jumped off the ground
The echo of the [[⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃|"BOOOOOOON!"]] sound
Awoke the DQN
It's too much metal for one hand
When those terrorists come from the sand
This world has peacefully ended.
Your bright, cheery smile is like a beacon of light to my cold, calculating eyes.
ファイナル・ライン・ゲット ファイナル・ライン・ゲット ===A Dog of Flanders=== You are not Nero. It's Korean. I am very scared             . -‐- .,. '  ̄  ` .  _,.-―- 、__,,....ィ            , ´            ヽ   i    ヽ   '-、            /                    \ l   ,  ト 、 ~ヽ.___,,,...,.,,          /                    ` 、‐ ' 'z__ l ,>-‐''     ,//         i              人 l、     ヾ    `´      ///          /         ,ィ /  ヽi ヽ. l、   ,| ∪. | | | | |   /  //          "i     /^ヽ! / !,/    |,/ |   ハj     | | | | |  人ヽヽ         i    l ハ i/   丿  \    ヽ. l/ /   .| | | | |   ゙ヾ.ヽヽ        ゙l.   ヽ_     \     { 、_ソノ \;,,,,.  -  ..、      '; !~l         /ヽ! ,ィ/            -  ;'   ;;;;;'       :,    ヽ!|       /  _Y     ヽ      t 、  /_     ':,  ○     ;      ヽヽ,      〃´ ̄ 亠─----;:>- 、.  `´ /,,. ';  ,, _  ` 、 _ ,,, .. '         ;"/     i'´          ̄  __ ,,.. -`<´ ;: ○,:' ,:'     `  -  、し ,,.. --‐ //     /l         ,. - ´ /    \ヽ`´,. '           ` ~    /l||    i  !         /    /      ;;;'i   ,.-‐ 、   , ,    ,. -‐'  | |  . l  i     /     l       '''' .| !  ` -: '    '   ィ       i.|    l    !   /       l        \\   ,...、__,,.-;; /;'ノ      l |    |   ヽ/         !         ヽ `-:イヽ-' ////      ;リ/   |                i             ` ~ ´  //       ;'.ノ    I am very hungry. [[Category: DQN]][[Category:DQN Music]]